MSDS Finder

This site is wanting to assist people in finding Material Safety Data Sheets quickly and easily. To obtain / view MSDS sheets, simply click on a product image.  You may search for product, brand, or manufacturer.

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Why use a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) ?

Businesses should use MSDS when they assess the risks of hazardous chemicals in the workplace. In Australia, manufacturers and imports of hazardous chemicals must prepare MSDS in accordance with the model Code of Practice for the Preparation of Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Chemicals. The term "MSDS" may also be referred to as "SDS" or Safety Data Sheets.

Obtaining Material Safety Data Sheets:

MSDS may be requested from the manufacturer, importer or supplier of a hazardous chemical and many manufacturers and importers make electronic copies of MSDS available on their websites.

MSDS must be supplied to a workplace:

  • When the hazardous chemical is first supplied to the workplace
  • The first time a hazardous chemical is supplied after an MSDS has been amended
  • A hazardous chemical is taken to be first supplied to a workplace if the supply is the first in five years

Reviewing Material Safety Data Sheets:

  • Manufacturers and importers of hazardous chemicals must review and update any MSDS they produce at least every five years
  • All MSDS must state the date they were last revised (this information is often included in Section 16—Other Information)
  • Businesses should request a current MSDS from the manufacturer, importer or supplier of the chemical if their copy indicates it has not been reviewed in the past five years


Information displayed on this website, is not intended for use in an emergency. If you are suffering an acute illness, overdose, or emergency condition, call triple zero (000) and ask for an ambulance.

All material on this website is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence International (  ) with the exception of:  Images and msds sheets that remain property of registered owner. Images are a guide only and product may differ.

Reasonable care has been taken to provide accurate information at the time of creation. This information is not intended to substitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be exclusively relied on to manage or diagnose a medical condition.